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Soy la leve brizna que el espiritu mece,
el susurro del viento que late dentro del corazón
la lumbre que devela el horizonte de la conciencia
Soy el que soy, el mensajero del amor
el hijo del hombre, el que vino y se quedo para siempre,
Jesús tu eres mi guía enseñame a vivir
Hi, my name is Yarold and from what I can see. So is yours. I have never meet anyone with that name before in my life. I am sure you have not either. My Spanish is not great but I am hoping that if you do get this you can translate this. By nature or birth alone you and I stand to have a common interest, our names. It?s hard to believe that someone in the world has that name. I am a 22-year-old Male that is currently living in Atlanta, Georgia. USA. My family is originally from Costa Rica. I would love to hear from you and maybe talk about this. You are the first person that I have found that shares this name. Please write me at yaroldb@mindspring.com
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